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Integrate the NFT Kit to your website

Now that your NFT Kit is ready, you can start using it in your own website.

The steps are easy and straightforward:

Import the integration script in the html code

All you have to do is to add this line in your html file:

<script src="[YOUR-INTEGRATION-SCRIPT-URL]"></script>

Testing the integration script locally

In case you are using the integration script to test the integration locally or via an HTTP access, use HTTP to call the integration script. Example:

<script src=""></script>

In case you are using it via https, which is generally the case in production, use https to call the script. Example:

<script src=""></script>

Once integrated, you will have access to a set of javascript methods to use the NFT features.

A detailed documentation on the available methods is provided in the section Documentation/The NFT ENV.